Beauty Tips

Lemon, the secret of fair skin ...!

Kalyanamalai Matrimonial Magazine- Beauty Tips - Lemon, the secret of fair skin …!

For dark elbows

Massage the dark area at the elbows with the skin of lemon. If you repeat this process daily, the dark color will go off gradually and the skin will get its natural color.

To prevent hair fall

Add 4 tsp of coconut milk to lemon juice and apply the same on the scalp. Leave on for some time and then wash off. Repeat the process once in a week. Hair fall will be arrested and the hair will look healthy.

For grey hair

Add castor oil to lemon juice and beat well. Add mehandhi powder to this mix. Apply the mixture to the scalp and leave it to dry and then wash off. Or, you can apply it before going to bed and wash off in the morning. Grey hair problem is solved by this method.

Premature graying

Add amla juice to lemon juice and massage the scalp with the same before retiring to bed. This helps hair growth as well as prevention of premature graying.

For dandruff

Add the white portion of the egg to lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the hair-roots. Leave on for thirty minutes and then wash off using a good shampoo. Repeating the process once in a month will help solve the problem. Also problems of sores and itching are solved through this process.

For emaciated hair

Does your hair look emaciated? Don’t worry, here is a solution! Add a few drops of lemon juice to a mug of water. After shampooing and washing the hair, wash off with this mug water. The hair will look shining. There’s another method also. Add tea dust to a cup of water, boil and filter. Allow the decoction to cool. Then add a few drops of lemon juice to it and apply the same on the hair. You’ll get silky and glowing hair!

For dry lips

Take cream, lemon juice and honey in equal proportion. Mix them well and apply the same on the lips and massage gently. If you keep repeating the process once in a week, you’ll start wondering at the beauty of your lips!

For wrinkles

Add a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil to one teaspoonful of honey. Apply the mixture on the face, leave on for twenty minutes and then wash off. If you keep repeating the process frequently, wrinkles will not appear that easily.