Beauty Tips

For glowing dark hair …!

Kalyanamalai Matrimonial Magazine- Beauty Tips - For glowing dark hair …!

Let us see the aids that help us get and maintain glowing hair, the envy of all women who are looks-conscious. No woman can look beautiful just by going to beauty parlors regularly or by using beauty aids. The secret of their beauty lies in the balanced diet they take. Our diet plays an important role in the condition of our skin and hair. So, it is very essential to ensure that the food we take contains all the necessary nutrients in right proportion. We should ensure that our diet contains lot of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Healthy diet helps growth of thick hair. Though genetic factors are mainly responsible for the features of one’s body, it is equally true that nutritious diet adds to our looks to a great extent. The kidneys will be affected by frequent intake of fast and fatty food and excess salt. Also excess pitha in the blood will affect the skin and hair leading to increased hair fall. Now, let us learn about some home made aids.

Natural shampoo


Egg – 1

Olive oil or any hair oil – 1 tsp

Bath soap – a small piece

Rosemary oil – few drops

Honey – ½ tbs

Water – ½ cup

Method of preparation: Mix the soap piece with warm water and beat. When the soap is fully dissolved add the other ingredients. Beat the mixture using a fork. The shampoo is now ready for use.

You can store the shampoo in a glass bottle. It will last for two or three baths. If you want to store it for a longer period, then keep it in the refrigerator.

Now, let us learn about how to prepare herbal shampoo using natural herbs. In those days, people used soap nuts for head bath. Even today, there are people who use it. But herbal shampoos with the quality of soap nuts are available today in the markets. Soap nuts have the quality of foaming. People used it as shampoo by grinding it into paste after cooking in water. These nuts are available even today.